November 15 - Veterans Appreciation
December 6th - Christmas Party
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Come Join your Cason Hammock neighbors for our "Second" fun filled week in the Caribbean. We are going to the"ABC" Islands on Royal Caribbean!
Events are for Cason Hammock Residents; only current CH members can purchase tickets for this event. This includes all people living in your home. All single households, resident +1, may bring a guest/friend, this person must have a guest ID or Village ID. This is a rule of the Village’s recreation department. No Friends or family outside of Cason Hammock are allowed, (living in other Village Neighborhoods)
Extra Tickets: If there are unsold extra tickets available, then CH residents can purchase tickets for their guests/family that are visiting them. Openings/extra tickets will be communicated by the Friday prior to the Social Event via CH Website and our FB page. Guests must have a Villages Guest ID pass. This allows CH residents their first chance to purchase tickets to our social events.
Registration will be checked prior to the event and at the door